3 Month Signature Package



Make the lasting change you want.

I support individuals who feel stuck, disconnected and overwhelmed to master their mindset, gain confidence and take control of their life.


Do you feel like you’re…

  • Lost or confused about that you want next?

  • Stuck in a cycle of comparing yourself to others?

  • Frustrated with low confidence and self-belief?

  • Constantly overthinking and wondering '“What if”?

This 3 month package will help change these feelings into your desired outcomes. Can you imagine knowing what you want and having the tools and drive to achieve it. Taking full control of your life and trusting in yo-2.png

This 3 month package will help change these feeling into your desired outcomes. Can you imagine knowing what you want and having the tools and drive to achieve it? Taking full control of your life; trusting in yourself and your decisions. Understand your mindset and how to use it to work for you. Gain real self-confidence, banishing the self-comparison or constant worrying. 


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In joining me on this 3-month journey, I will help guide you through the techniques you will need to achieve your goals. I know the benefit of a coach first hand. I was once feeling all of the points I listed above, but working with my own coach, helped transform my mindset and open my eyes to achieving all of my goals and more. This can be you too! 


As a coach I work closely to support individuals who need help identifying their full potential. Through my coaching I help you uncover the blocks that have been holding you back from being your true self, breakthrough fear and give you the ‘SELF-CARE’ formula to discovering your core identity and how to set goals that are aligned with your true wants and how to achieve them.

My 3 Pillar Coaching Method

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Working with these three pillars will give you the insight to who you really are. Understanding is often overlooked but it is a huge part of self-development. From truly understanding your values to understanding how to master your thoughts, and everything in-between.

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When many people think of self-care, they think of good skincare or taking a bath(!) but there is so much more to self-care. It can be among many other things; understanding and honouring your emotions, being in a state of gratitude or setting boundaries.  My 'Self-Care’ approach, based on a combination of techniques from NLP and the wider well-being industries, will help you make lasting change.

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What you get in the 3 Month Package:

  • 6 x fortnightly 1 hour sessions via Zoom

  • Business WhatsApp or Email support in-between sessions

  • Goals for you to follow after each sessions

  • Worksheets and tasks for you to carry out (when needed).

 What my clients say

My sessions with Lucy were invaluable. It was so refreshing to converse with someone who has such a rational outlook on life enabling me to see things from other perspectives. She has such a calming tone and so positive which put me at ease, I felt in very safe hands.
— Beth
She thinks in such a beautiful way that is so easy to connect to, and makes you feel so at home with talking about what you need or feel, and how to get past it. I’d never seen a life coach as something I personally needed before, but now Lucy will be a permanent in my life; her help is second to none.
— Chloe
I cant recommend Lucy enough to anyone that needs guidance, support even someone to ask for advice on future plans etc.
— Ashley