What is Mindset and Life coaching?

Mindset and life coaching sessions aim to improve any aspect of your life. By using tools and techniques that focus on the present day, I work to facilitate change by challenging your thinking.

There’s a big difference between teaching someone and helping them to learn. In coaching, I use different methods to help the you improve your own life. Providing support and a sense of accountability along the way. 

Is life coaching for me?

Have you ever thought that someone else has it better than you?  Or the “grass is greener” somewhere else? 

If the answer is “Yes” then life coaching can definitely help.  

What should I expect from sessions?

Sessions are tailored to each individual and depend on what you need. We’ll get to know each other over a free consultation call, then I’ll ask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire before your first session. This will give us a great foundation to start planning your first session. 

Each call will be 60minutes and held over Skype or Zoom. 

How can I book?

Please use the contact button at the top of the site to book in your free 30 minute consultation call. We can then talk through which package will suit what you’re looking to achieve.

What happens between sessions?

During sessions, we will work together on the next steps you can take to progress towards your dream future. At the end of each session, we will set goals for you to complete before we chat again. Sometimes I may ask extra questions and share thoughts in-between sessions but these are only set when we feel it’s best. 

What are the benefits of booking block sessions?

Block sessions are discounted but also psychologically set you up to have greater level of commitment to making the changes that you really want. 

Packages are listed here 

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch