Client Testimonials


Dream it.


"I came to Lucy as I was feeling a little lost and directionless, and wanting to feel better in myself in my day-to-day life. Having previously failed to implement a routine or practices in my life that would help me grow (both professionally and personally), I knew I was in need of some professional support, and I couldn't have asked for a kinder and better person to turn to than Lucy.

"From being there to celebrate my wins in the week over WhatsApp support, to chatting through the week's struggles (and the best way to tackle these hurdles moving forward) in our weekly sessions, Lucy has been such a positive, supportive influence in my life for the past six weeks, helping me to start building the life I've always wanted, and gain clarity on how I want to behave and live my life moving forward.

"If you're considering talking to someone, I cannot recommend the process - particularly with an amazing coach like Lucy - enough. Thank you so much again Lucy!"



Build it.


“I met Lucy in what was a really traumatic period of my life, just 6 weeks ago. I was dealing with PTSD and I suddenly struggled to want any of my career dreams anymore and lost passion for so much, something I’ve never felt no matter what circumstances I found myself in.

Within the first session with Lucy I gained a lot of clarity and confidence in getting what I wanted back, and even her simple suggestion of a vision board to help me to re-attach to my wants made such a difference, I’ve already started achieving one of the things on it.

Just 6 weeks on and I’ve received my first artwork commission, started 3 new courses and made a lot of healthy decisions. She thinks in such a beautiful way that is so easy to connect to, and makes you feel so at home with talking about what you need or feel, and how to get past it. I’d never seen a life coach as something I personally needed before, but now Lucy will be a permanent in my life; her help is second to none.

Thank you!”



Grow it.


“My sessions with Lucy were invaluable. It was so refreshing to converse with someone who has such a rational outlook on life enabling me to see things from other perspectives. She has such a calming tone and so positive which put me at ease, I felt in very safe hands. The things I have learnt throughout my experience will Lucy I’ll never forget and will continue to practice to maintain the better version of myself that I’ve found thanks to Lucy.”



“After a few years of ongoing health conditions, I started to notice I wasn't feeling myself in more ways than one. The positive mindset I was once recognised for by those around me, had slipped away. I felt very stuck and lost, and despite not having control over what was happening to my health I'd also lost control of how I felt and thought about myself.
I was over the moon when I actually won the opportunity to first chat with Lucy, and quickly then booked in sessions off the back of that. Working with Lucy has changed everything.
Lucy is professional, but also just immediately made me feel safe, comfortable and more like a friend. Her offline support outside of the sessions is also incredible, and really encouraged me to keep going.
There's no miracle cure for my health, but I feel healed in a sense that I know my worth again. I really do trust my decisions once more, and feel a sense of belonging and ownership over my life that I'd lost.
I am motivated and ready to continue the journey of pushing myself to achieve everything I wish for thanks to Lucy, and have a lot of hope again after a very personally dark time.
I can't sing her praises enough, and if you're thinking about working with Lucy you will not regret it.

Thank you so much Lucy.”



“Since being made redundant and finally deciding to start a career change I’ve longed for for 2 years. I was introduced to Lucy by a close friend in July, I honestly couldn’t imagine the last month without her support and guidance for my journey ahead. Being home since march my mental health started to take a tole and I began to loss my purpose day to day, but with lucy planning my days for me i started to get structure to the hours of the day again and have a more clear headspace to plan for my next move towards my dream goals. Since my sessions i am now on the way to starting a course to begin my new career, more positive for my future a head and currently volunteer for a charity twice a week whilist applying for a job.  

I cant recommend Lucy enough to anyone that needs guidance, support even someone to ask for advice on future plans etc.

Thank you again Lucy!”



I’ve been working with Lucy since September now and I can’t believe how much progress I have made from then to now! My mindset has completely changed! I was being held back by my lack of self-confidence and what others thought but now if these thoughts come creeping back, I catch myself realising a lot quicker and using tools Lucy has taught me to get out of that headspace. One of the benefits with Lucy’s coaching is that you can send her voice notes if you are having an issue and it’s really helpful going through it in the moment to know what your triggers are.

When I first started with Lucy, I was a bit lost, felt like i lost my passion and didn't really know what I wanted to do. Now I've started to create my own business which brings a life my passions as well as get ready to start my social work course in September which I’ve been too afraid to do.

I cant recommend Lucy Enough! She’s Amazing

Thank you x