Journaling Prompts

I remember when I started journaling I would sit for ages and have no idea what to write. I would see others online writing pages and pages and having huge break throughs when they sat down to journal. I thought that it just wasn’t for me but then I discovered journaling prompts. Then everything changed!

Journaling prompts are questions that help you start question and thinking about aspects of your life.

Journaling simply means to write down your feelings and thoughts so you can understand them clearer. You can focus journaling around anything that you would like to explore in more detail.

Journaling for me is a way of exploring how I am feeling. When I’m feeling overwhelmed or I’m other thinking, journaling is a great place to turn. Writing gives me the time and space to really explore the thought or what caused you the emotion.


There is no right or wrong to journaling. Some questions may provoke you to write lots and others may only need a few lines. Whatever feels right to you is right!

If you would like to explore journaling and journal prompts more, sign up to my weekly emails. You will receive new journal prompts every Monday morning for you to write about each week.

Find a nice comfy spot and enjoy you’re writing with no exceptions or rules. This time is for you to connect with yourself. I hope that you enjoy the journal prompt and that you can explore journaling more along your mindset journey!


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