Netflix Shows I Recommend

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’m always raving about mindset books I love, but I know books aren’t for everyone, so here are some Netflix shows that can help you on your Mindset journey in different ways. 

  1. Brene Brown: The Call to Courage 

“Researcher Brené Brown has written five best-selling books, and her TED Talk is one of the most watched in the world. With humor and empathy, Brené Brown discusses what it takes to choose courage over comfort in a culture defined by scarcity, fear and uncertainty. “

This is a conversation about the “uncomfortable” things in our lives. Vulnerability. Shame. Fear. Leadership. Having courageous conversations at work or at home. With strangers. Often mental and emotional challenges, like anxiety and stress, stem from focusing on what could go wrong, rather than seeing what is already working well and sometimes your version of “winning” isn’t going to be about the race itself. It’s going to be about the subtler moments, like when you choose to have an uncomfortable conversation with yourself, in the workplace or at home. Or when you choose to start talking to people instead of about people. Its a must watch in my eyes!


2. I am Not Your Guru

“Tony Robbins' clients swear by his unorthodox life coaching methods. A revealing film goes behind the curtain at his annual mega-event.”

Now this series is like Marmite, some have found it to be the most insightful series to help them on their journey, but others don’t feed into Tony’s preachy tones and methods. DM me on Instagram and let me know what you thought.


3. The Mind Explained

“Ever wonder what's happening inside your head? From dreaming to anxiety disorders, discover how your brain works with this illuminating series.”

Have you ever wondered why our memories seem clear but really aren’t? It can often feel like you’ve started to make things up, but they now feel real. Or why are your dreams so vivid and weird sometimes? Or what brings on anxiety? Netflix and Vox have come together to help explain some of that in a continuation of their Explained series. The Mind, Explained is one of those shows you turn on when you just want to see something short and interesting without having to follow a plot. And though it can be superficial at times, you genuinely come away from each episode knowing something about your brain you didn’t know before.

Grab the popcorn and enjoy!


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