Life Balance Workbook

Get back the Balance in your life

Use this free Ebook to help you identify the areas that are taking up all of your energy and make the shifts you need.

Can you relate…

👉 Feeling burnt out and empty

👉 Feeling overwhelmed with thoughts and todo lists

👉 Putting everybody before yourself and not knowing what you really want

👉 Like you have no time for certain things in your life

👉 Like something just has to give

It's normal to feel off-balance sometimes but you might not know where it is coming from. You just know that you feel tired all the time and you keep saying things like "I'm so busy" or "I just don't have time". 

It’s ok to feel off balance once in awhile but staying in that space for too long leads to BURNOUT!

“Burnout prevention starts with YOU. Invest in your happiness & well-being for a better tomorrow.”

- Felecia Etienne

Use this workbook to…

✨ Help you see where you are using all of your time

✨ Learn how you shift your energy to other areas 

✨ And discover what your ideal balance is

This workbook will teach you how to create balance and give you back energy each day

Learning how we use and waste our energy is really eye opening and this workbook shows you exactly how to work that out.

From there you can start to create a life that fills your with excitement and not that that leaves you not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.

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