21 day journal challenge

Get started with journaling in a simple and overwhelm free way

A free email series designed for busy women wanting to create space in the minds and clarity in their lives.

Can you relate…

👉 Feeling overwhelmed with thoughts and todo lists

👉 Overthinking events and the day when you go to bed

👉 Worrying about the future

👉 Putting everybody before yourself and not knowing what you really want

👉 Feeling burnt out and empty

👉 Like you don’t understand your emotions

As a busy women you want to create a life your love and feeling in control of each day

But… instead you’re feeling overwhelmed by thoughts and are stuck not knowing where to start

Together we can change that through journaling. You get to learn about yourself on the deepest level and grow your confidence.

“A journal is a self-empowering, self-realizing map we create for ourselves to better our lives.”

- Andrew Pacholyk

We often spend a lot of time focusing on the worst case scenario, worrying about what might happen or what other people think of us but all this does is create a disconnect from the good in our lives and what we actually want.

It can leave us feeling lost and confused, not knowing how we got to this place in our lives.

Journaling allows you to bring your life into focus, create plans and actions that align with who you want to be.

✨ You have no clue where to start with journaling so you don’t try.

✨ And if you do try you worry that you’re not doing it right.

✨ You know you want to start making changes in your life but aren’t sure how.

✨ You’re feeling lost and don't know who you are anymore.

✨ You want to learn how to put yourself first.

Does this sound like you?

This challenge will teach you how to journal and give you confidence to listen to your own voice not just blindly float through each day

Forget the blank moments where you have no idea what to write or worry of making it too complicated. Inside the 21 days, I will give your easy to follow journal prompts that guide you through your desires, emotions and thoughts.

You’ll learn to free write and express yourself like you have never done before building a level of self-trust and confidence that will change how you deal with each day.

  • “I've learnt how to be open with how I'm feeling and listening to my intuition more helps with my headspace. Realising just how beneficial journaling is to my life.”


  • "My biggest takeaway hands down has been naming and noticing my emotions and not just ignoring how I feel everyday. It's also about knowing I can be in control of my days and weeks by putting some thought into it and not just letting life go by and being led by other people's agendas. I've honestly loved every minute of this challenge, life changing!"


  • "I want to say thank you to you Lucy for allowing me to learn and share my inner thoughts and fears in this safe way. 🙏”


Whats included

  • Learn my top tips for journaling, to help you kick-start your new practice.

  • Journal questions to help you evaluate your week, your thoughts and help you set goals

  • I will teach you how to free write for the days when you need to clear some space in your mind.

  • How much does it cost - ITS FREE!