How To Prepare For Your First Coaching Session

If you have never had coaching before, your first session might seem quite draughting so hopefully these handy 5 tips will help you feel more relaxed and prepared.

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  1. Get comfy

  1. Find yourself somewhere that you feel safe and comfortable to open up., also somewhere that you won’t be getting distracted. During our sessions there will be lots of time for you to think, so give yourself a calming zone that allows you to completely relax into the call.

  2. Pen and paper

    Grab something that you can take notes on. I will provide you with my notes after the session but you may also like to take notes of different things that come up for you or goals that we set during the session.

  3. Power and Connection

    Make sure the device that you are using has enough power for the call. Same with connection, the better the your wifi connection the easier it will be to connect with each other as there is nothing worst than a delay or not being able to see each other.

  4. Challenge

    Be prepared to be challenged! It’d my job as a coach to stretch the way you think and ask you questions that may reframe things into a different light. The challenge can go both ways so if need more clarification or something or want to revisit something we covered, ask me.

  5. Be yourself!

    As your coach this is a safe and confidential place for you to come and say whatever you need to say. So don’t feel like you need to hide parts of your life or who you are. The more open you can be the easier it will be for us to work together and get you the results you want.

Each session is yours and I want to get the most out of our time together! If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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