My unique coaching method 

I support individuals who feel stuck, disconnected and overwhelmed to master their mindset, gain confidence and take control of their life.

My 3 Pillar Coaching Method


Working with these three pillars will give you the insight to who you really are. Understanding is often overlooked but it is a huge part of self-development. From truly understanding your values, to understanding how to master your thoughts, and everything in-between.

As a coach I work closely to support individuals who need help identifying their full potential. Through my coaching I help you uncover the blocks that have been holding you back from being your true self, breakthrough fear and give you the ‘SELF-CARE’ formula to discovering your core identity and how to set goals that are aligned with your true wants and how to achieve them.

When many people think of self-care, they think of good skincare or taking a bath(!) but there is so much more to self-care. It can be among many other things; understanding and honouring your emotions, being in a state of gratitude or setting boundaries.  My 'Self-Care’ approach, based on a combination of techniques from NLP and the wider well-being industries, will help you make lasting change.

How is my coaching style different?

My coaching style has CARE at the center! Care for yourself but also that I care. I want to see you achieve your full potentinal. That is why I have created my 3 month programme. I know that if you want to see results, it happens over time and I am there to support you ever step of the way. 

Doing this work isn’t always easy, believe me I know. I have been where you are! Feeling stuck and confused about how to move forward. 

I had a coach but our sessions lacked care and empathy. She didn’t check in on the work she asked me to complete between sessions and didn’t remember what we had spoke about in the previous session. 

I ask you to be vulnerable in our sessions and in return I care. Over the 3 month process you have me in your back pocket. If you are having a bad day or need some extra support you can Whatsapp me, so that you don’t have to go through these changes on your own. 

How do I continuously support your journey?

-whatsapp support

-regular calls and check-ins

-bespoke work for you to do complete between sessions

What is NLP coaching?

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and powerfully encourages you to transform your limiting self-beliefs, and move out of your comfort zone. It aims to break down those barriers in your life so you can develop a fuller, happier and more satisfying life. Read more: 

How can I get started?

Schedule your free discovery call today (


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